Payroll Service
Payroll Services helps keep you in regulation with Federal & State legislation.
Our Payroll Service is made easy for you to work with. Building a professional relationship with
each of our clients as well as working on a 1 on 1 basis to meet all of our clients need making it
easier for you to work with us directly.
Save time and money today.
Our Service Includes:
ï‚· Printing Checks for you to pay your Employees.
ï‚· Checks/Direct deposit by job number.
ï‚· Direct deposit to pay your employees.
ï‚· Monthly Federal & State Payments for employees.
ï‚· Quarterly Reports (941, De-9, De-9c).
ï‚· Yearly Reports (W-2’s, W-3, 940).
ï‚· Fill out business related forms from IRS or EDD.
ï‚· Open all year for questions.
Did you know, the Payroll service you pay to pay your employees is a tax deduction and certain
company Contributions is also Tax Deductible for your Business Tax Return?